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Tribute to Charlie Chaplin


This video is me rearranging six classical films in a new storyline to highlight the beautiful things from Charlie Chaplin's classical character "little tramp" and also recalling his final speech from the film "The Great Dictator". It's a really brave speech and always deserves people to remember and think it again.


In this 21st century, we still have racism in the world. “Black lives matter” is the latest case happened in 2020. Machinery which leads human to work day and night in the last century evolve into replacing people’s jobs at present. The COVID- 19 exposes our dark side again, people blame each other and hate each other rather than help each other and be together to fight this pandemic. Over these cases happened, I watched his speech again and I feel people need to discover and keep their humanity at any time. The humanity we have is the biggest motivation for us to discover and create beautiful things in our life, just like the scene in my video that little tramp still tips his hat after knowing the flower girl is blind.

Film List:

The Circus;
City Lights;
The Kid;
Modern Times;
The Gold Rush;
The Great Dictator.

Tribute to Charlie Chaplin


Tribute to Charlie Chaplin
