Mikaela Lin's profileTzu-Yun Cheng's profile

OPAL - A Memory-Storing Speaker

Nowadays,  people place greater emphasis on their quality of life, enjoy traveling, and frequently utilize their mobile devices to document not-worthy and insignificant events that transpire throughout their daily routines. However, there is no product that can easily organize and enjoy these memories. OPAL takes the concept of a time machine and preserves daily memories that can be accessed at any time, providing a multi-sensory experience of sight and sound to reminisce over past memories.

現今人們熱愛旅遊,也常透過手機拍照記錄生活,但卻沒有能讓他們更方便整理、享受回憶的產品。OPAL,以時光機為概念,能記錄使用者每日的生活並將這些寶貴的回憶留存在OPAL, 隨時能開啟,搭上這台時光機,享受在視覺和聲音的多感官體驗,好好回憶過去的時光。

Year / 2023
Designer / Tzu-Yun​​​​​​​, Cheng / Chieh-Fang, Lin

OPAL  |  Memory-storing Speaker
Designed by Dou & Mikaela

OPAL - A Memory-Storing Speaker

OPAL - A Memory-Storing Speaker
