Inass Rhazouani's profile

4 WALLS - Cement tiles Project Pt.1


This page presents my graduation project for my bachelor degree at the Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) in 2017.
After 4 years of graduate studies in design, I had the opportunity to discover several design disciplines and mainly: interior design, product design, and graphic design. What inspired me to conceive this project that merges these three disciplines.
This project is the outcome of a considerable amount of research and inspiration from the Moroccan culture, which has always asserted itself by its richness and warm colors. This thesis has Mainly surrounded by architectural geometric decoration, its mesmerizing, complex, and stunning graphics, which I have tried to revisit by applying them in a contemporary and simplified way on interiors as cement tiles
Collection I :Khatem & Yasmina
Khatem & Yasmina Tiles is a set of tiles inspired by the traditional pattern of zellige geometry composed by "Khatem" which means ring in Arabic and "Yasmina" - jasmine flower. 

Thanks for watching!
Check the second Part of the project here.
4 WALLS - Cement tiles Project Pt.1


4 WALLS - Cement tiles Project Pt.1
